Perigee Supermoon

Perigee Supermoon

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” – The Buddha Siddharta The perigee super moon was on Saturday, and people in all places turned their heads to the sky and paid just a little bit more attention to our own moon that night. The moon looked bigger than normal,…

Sunset on the Big Horn River in Hot Springs State Park, Thermopolis, Wyoming

As I’m in the last stages of writing my masters thesis on two years of work on the geology and chemistry of the Thermopolis hot springs in central Wyoming, I decided to re-visit some of my field work photos. Sitting here typing in front of the computer made me forget that I am actually studying…

Looking Up

Looking Up, originally uploaded by senecacreekphotography. Spring seems to be right around the corner but there is still some lingering snow on the ground, or if you are in Michigan like me, a few inches are still falling! This photo was taken in Yellowstone National Park from a car window and really reminds me of…

Lewis River

Lewis River, originally uploaded by senecacreekphotography. Although winter may seem to be this desolate time full of boring monochrome landscapes, it seems that some national parks are just a total exception to that. Evergreen trees and blue rivers overpower all that white snow and still allow you to see the color that you remember in…

Nature Meets City

Nature Meets City, originally uploaded by senecacreekphotography. A year ago if you had asked me if I wanted to go take pictures of the downtown of a city I would have told you we should get together to go hiking instead. Typically in my pictures I tend to leave out just about any traces of…