Beth and Jeremy’s Western Dirt Road Drive with a 1966 Shelby Mustang – Family Portraits with the Dogs

| | | | by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Shelby Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road Sunset

Beth and Jeremy shined up their 1966 Shelby Mustang and packed up the dogs for a rare joyride into rural Wyoming to watch the Western sun set behind a sky filled with wildfire smoke.  This couple has large hearts and a sense of adventure and had an idea to take a drive up a lonely Wyoming dirt road for some non-traditional family portraits of just them, the dogs, and the car. by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road Sunset

Sometimes the simple things like taking the dogs for a walk together end up becoming some of your most treasured memories.  Zoey, the sweetest Great Dane you’ll ever meet, and Eddie, an energetic and happy english pointer, happily went for a family walk while the sun dipped below the horizon.  The usually clear mountain air was heavy with smoke from surrounding wildfires which made for a unique and magical sunset casting a smokey red orange glow over the high plains. by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road Sunset by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road Sunset

Everyone felt happy sitting in this beauty and after a short dog walk, it was time for some quality time with this classic car. by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road Sunset

Since pristine classic cars like this one don’t go on too many joy rides up rugged and rough dirt roads we enjoyed just spending time soaking up the sun.  It was as if you were transported back to 1966 pulled over on the side of the road with your head under the hood, your girl right next to you, and your white t-shirt full of grease stains making the best of the situation. by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road Sunset by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road Sunset by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road Sunset

Even if our lives are fast paced and our table full with friends and family, it’s always important to make time for the simple things with those who matter most.  Sometimes, you just have to treat yourself to a little joy ride, grab a glass, and watch the sunset for your own good!  To Beth, her ideal joy ride is on a bicycle but this time they took her husband’s joy ride which usually involves an engine and a little more than leg power.  Either way, the love and bond of their family is obviously strong! by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road Sunset by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road Sunset

After the sun was only a glow on the horizon and twilight was starting to set in, we took one last walk down the dirt road and decided to drive back into town, but for one night we enjoyed a smokey wildfire sunset on the high plains celebrating the love and connection of family. by Allison Pluda - Beth and Jeremy Family Portraits with the Dogs and a 1966 Ford Mustang Wyoming Dirt Road Sunset