Resisting the Zoom

Four Bull Moose, originally uploaded by Allie.P.

When camping with some fellow geologists in Medicine Bow National Forest in Wyoming, all of a sudden these four handsome guys came strolling along in front of camp. Of course, everyone yelled “Allison! Camera! Now!” At that point, whenever I see some amazing animal, I get this instinctual reaction to go grab my long 200mm lens as fast as possible. In this case, that long lens landed me this cool shot of four bull moose parading along (of course, in a about a month, they will be in mating season and probably wont like each other as much!). I start snapping photos of their antlers up close, head shots, etc., but then something in the back of my brain starts to go “wait! back up.”

Its then when I slowly turn my zoom ring away from the 200mm, and end up snapping this shot:

Moose Along Stormy Colorado Road, originally uploaded by Allie.P.

I actually almost like this second shot better. You get to see the moose in its natural habitat… you can see the trees and the surroundings.  It gives it a sense of solitude, it lets you know this moose is in its natural territory, with no humans (well, except for me) around. Sometimes we get so caught up in pushing the limits and getting as close to these animals as possibly safe (*ahemyellowstonetourists*), but just remember to resist the zoom and take a step back. You might be surprised at which photo in the end you like best.