Earth Day Commitment – 5 Simple Things You Can Do To Make A Difference

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I know we can keep our spaces wild and our planet green if we work for it and put our energy into what we are most passionate about.   Here are 5 simple things you can do to make a difference.  Happy Earth Day and happy trails!  How do you like celebrate and respect our planet?

1.  Eat Local - -

Who doesn’t love eating food thats fresher, healthier, sustainable, supports local economy, AND tastes better?  We always try to buy local produce and food from farmers markets, co-ops, and local businesses.  I swear that when you catch your own breakfast there’s a magical transformation that happens that makes seems to make it taste even more delicous!  Sustainable fishing (and hunting) can be both a practical tool to catch your own meal as well as a great activity with friends and family (if you dare to take them to your favorite fishing hole, that is).  Better yet, try your hand at growing some of your own food in either a window sill or a new raised bed!


2.  Keep Skies Dark - -

What is Earth Day without a night?  Light pollution not only destroys our ability to experience the milky way, but it has detrimental effects on both ours and other animal’s health.  Learn more about why you should care and what you can do from the International Dark Sky Association at  If you have outdoor lights, make them dark friendly by adding a shield so that no light escapes above the 90-degree angle.  If we all did this to our homes and told our friends, we could make a huge difference!  Browse dark sky friendly lighting here.


3.  Get Outdoors -

The best way to get passionate about protecting something is to experience it first hand!  Being in nature can be therapeutic in so many ways to our own health.  If you’ve always wanted to go somewhere, find a way to make it happen!  If you don’t want to go alone, find a buddy to take you, hire a guide, or sing up for a group trip.  REI offers some great trips, as do lots of other organizations.  So far, I have never regretted an outdoor trip I’ve took, even if there were hardships to overcome.  Mother nature always has a lesson to teach.  Beautiful places only get protected if there are people out there who have been to them and care about them!


4.  Share Your Passion

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Always be open to share your passion with others!  Some of the best times in my life have been spent sharing experiences with people together.  Leading by example is a great way to show people what you care about and possibly inspire them to do the same.  What may be a mundane experience for you might be the highlight of someones year.  Join a local conservation organization, volunteer to speak about what you think is worth protecting, or just be that guy that stops to pick up trash when your friend walks on by.


5.  Live Simply

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything else." - Plato Few things are better than cool autumn nights in the mountains playing music with good company at the cabin!

We all know that we should be reducing, reusing, and recycling, but integrating it into our lifestyle can be beneficial to not only the well being of our planet, but ourselves as well.  Trying to be grateful for what we have, striving to not take more than we need, and simplifying our lives seems to tidy up our minds and lives as much as the environment.