Canaan Valley Sunrise
If you think of photographers as people who just sit around all day and take some pictures when they feel like it… well, I wish you were right! The best light and the best time to take pictures is often before the sunrise, and at sunset, and sometimes (okay, most time) its real hard to get out of bed at 5am to go outside and get your fingers moving in the cold just to get that golden light that you want.
I leave my curtains open purposefully so that I am woken up by the rising sun every morning. In that moment where I silently curse the bright light in my sleepy i-hate-mornings-eyes, when I realize that the light I am cursing is really a beautiful sunrise full of color, my mood changes, and if its a good day, I get out of bed and snap a few pictures… if its gray and raining, I close the curtains and go back to sleep. Sometimes, its the simple motivations that can just be enough to get you going and oh so worth it in the end.
This picture was the same way, taken a few steps out the door in Canaan Valley, West Virginia.